A hard Decision Part 2

On the other hand, Columbia’s Teacher’s College offers a specialized Game Design program that seems tailor-made for my interests in educational gaming. The program’s focus on the theoretical underpinnings of game design and its impact on learning excites me. It promises a blend of practical design skills with a robust foundation in learning theories—skills that are crucial for my dream of developing educational games. But will the quieter, more academic atmosphere at Columbia fulfill my craving for the vibrant, fast-paced tech community I yearn to be part of?

My mind is a battleground of "what-ifs." Each program offers something unique, and each holds the potential to dramatically shape my career in different ways. As I jot down these thoughts, I hope to find clarity, but the scales of decision remain frustratingly balanced. Will the practical, industry-focused experience at NYU outweigh Columbia’s academic enrichment? Or will the specialized knowledge and focus of Columbia’s Game Design program provide the niche expertise I need to fulfill my aspirations?

The choice feels weighty, laden with the potential of future regrets or what might have been. I know I need to decide where my heart truly lies, and perhaps more importantly, which program will pave the way to the future I envision for myself in game design. As I close today's entry, the decision remains unresolved, but I'm hopeful that a night's sleep will bring the insight I need to choose my path confidently.


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A hard Decision