A hard Decision

Today I find myself caught in a whirlwind of indecision, teetering between two exciting yet distinct paths for my master's degree: NYU's Interactive Digital Media (IDM) program and Columbia Teacher's College Game Design program. Both options seem to pull me in different directions, and choosing between them feels nearly impossible.

NYU’s IDM program is renowned for its cutting-edge approach and integration of digital media with real-world applications, promising an immersive dive into innovative technologies. The lure of New York City, with its pulsing tech scene and networking opportunities, is undeniably strong. I can already picture the bustling streets, the creative buzz, and the access to industry leaders that NYU offers. Yet, amidst this excitement, I wonder if the curriculum will allow me to explore the depth of game design I am keen on.


A hard Decision Part 2


Bark And Bond Game Draft