Personal Branding

As I sit in the quiet hum of my apartment, thoughts of personal branding for my game studio, CocoaSprite, swirl in my mind. It’s a mix of excitement and nerves, thinking about how this studio could essentially be my personal signature in the gaming world.

Personal branding feels incredibly intimate. It’s like crafting a story from my own experiences, beliefs, and dreams, and then sharing that story with the world. Every choice in design, every game released, will say something about me. I want CocoaSprite to embody creativity, warmth, and innovation. It’s not just about games; it’s about creating worlds that reflect my own passions and hopes.

As I think about logos and color schemes, I realize how these aren't just branding elements. They're the first words in a conversation with every player who might come across my games. This is my chance to say, "Here’s something made from my heart. Let’s connect."

I worry, though. What if my vision doesn’t resonate? What if I can’t translate this deep, internal passion into something tangible that others can appreciate and enjoy? The stakes feel so high, but so does the potential reward of creating something truly personal and cherished.

Despite these fears, I'm reminded of why I wanted to start CocoaSprite in the first place. It's about more than just making games; it's about leaving a part of myself in the gaming universe—a fingerprint in digital form.


NYU Offer Admitted


A hard Decision Part 2